“Verbundenheitspraxis” Seminar Program
In our training course, we learn how to experience mutual connectedness. We deepen our understanding and our compassion for others and learn how to reflect communication processes in everyday life.

Counseling and Chaplaincy
We care for ourselves and others: family, friends, neighbours and people who are having a hard time in life.
Contemplative Care
Caring for others, as a kind of practice, based on contemplation – that’s what “Contemplative Care” is about. We translated the standard reference work, “The Arts of Contemplative Care”, into German. Supporting the future development of Buddhist Chaplaincy in German-speaking countries is a great concern to us.

Dialogue: Lectures and Workshops
We present our findings in lectures at conferences. During semi-annual events called “Dialog-Foren”, we invite speakers from both scientific and spiritual fields to come together and discuss interconnectedness.
Join and Donate
Would you like to offer your ressources, experience, knowledge? Would you like to add your own two hands to the thousands?
Everybody is welcome and appreciated.